Our team just got back from the FIRA 2014 Hurocup, co-located with the International Robot Olympiad, in Beijing. HuroCup is the most challenging humanoid robot competition out there, with a single robot has to compete in 8 events: sprint, marathon, weight lifting, obstacle run, lift and carry, united soccer, basketball, and wall climbing. 30 teams took part in the event. Our team did well winning 2nd place in Wall Climbing with our smaller robots (45cm tall) and 3rd place in Sprint with our new larger robot (85cm tall).

There is also a gallery of pictures from FIRA 2014, and two new publications presented at the symposium in the publications section.



We came in third in the world in teen-size humanoids at RoboCup-2017, along with our partner, Amirkabir University of Technology, and took third place in the Technical Challenge!

The Autonomous Agents Laboratory is one of the research laboratories within the Department of Computer Science at the University of Manitoba, and is directed by Dr. John Anderson and Dr. Jacky Baltes. The goal of our work is the improvement of technology surrounding hardware and software agents as well as the development of applications employing these technologies. We are especially interested in cooperation in multi-agent settings, and the infrastructure necessary to support this and other forms of social interaction in intelligent systems.